
Submissions Policy

This submissions policy (PDF, 115.3 KB) explains how we may use and publish submissions received in the course of a law reform review. It should be read together with the Right to Information Policy.

Code of Conduct

We have developed a Code of Conduct (PDF, 139.1 KB) which, in accordance with the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994, applies to the Commission and its members.

The Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service (PDF, 140.0 KB) applies to the staff of the Commission Secretariat.

Public Interest Disclosure Policy

The Commission has adopted the Public Interest Disclosure Policy (PDF, 1.8 MB) of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General.

Queensland Law Reform Commission
PO Box 13312 George Street Post Shop
Brisbane Qld 4003

Email: qlrcpid@justice.qld.gov.au

Human Resources Policies

The human resources policies of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General apply to the staff of the Commission Secretariat and, where relevant, to the members of the Commission.

Financial Management Policies

The financial management policies of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General apply to the Commission.

Complaints Management Policy

The Commission values your feedback and encourages your comments, including complaints about our procedures, practices or policies. We are committed to resolving your complaints quickly, fairly and professionally.

The Commission complies with the Department of Justice and Attorney-General Complaint Management Policy, as relevant.