Past Chairs and members

Former Chairpersons

  • The Hon Justice Peter Applegarth AM                   31.07.20-31.03.23
  • The Honourable Justice David J Jackson                01.08.14–30.06.20
  • The Honourable Justice RG Atkinson*                   01.01.02–20.12.13
  • The Honourable Justice JDM Muir                          20.03.98–19.03.01 and 15.06.01–31.12.01
  • The Honourable Justice P de Jersey                       12.07.96–19.03.98              
    (later Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland and subsequently Governor of Queensland)
  • The Honourable Justice GN Williams*                    01.07.93–30.06.96
  • The Honourable Justice RE Cooper*                       01.01.92–30.06.93
  • The Honourable Mr Justice BH McPherson CBE* 20.09.82–31.12.91
  • The Honourable Mr Justice DG Andrews                26.05.73–17.09.82              
    (later Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland)
  • The Honourable Mr Justice GL Hart                         01.03.73–15.05.73
  • The Honourable Mr Justice WB Campbell               01.03.69–01.03.73
    (later Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland and subsequently Governor of Queensland)

Former full-time members

  • Assoc Prof TCM Hutchinson                         01.02.11–07.03.12
  • Mr IP Davis                                                      17.07.08–15.05.10
  • Dr BP White*                                                   05.09.05–02.11.07
  • Ms RA Hill                                                         30.09.02–10.03.05
  • Assoc Prof PJM MacFarlane                          10.01.00–28.12.01
  • Ms PA Cooper                                                  09.05.94–31.07.97
  • Mr J Herlihy                                                      04.01.93–10.09.93
  • Mr WG Briscoe*                                              04.01.93–04.06.99
  • Ms C Richards                                                 24.09.90–24.04.92
  • Ms L Willmott*                                               17.09.90–31.10.92
  • Mr AA Preece                                                  05.01.87–30.06.90
  • Mr FJ Gaffy QC*                                              01.10.83–16.10.84 and 10.12.84–31.05.89
  • Prof KW Ryan CBE QC*                                 01.11.80–31.10.82
    (later the Honourable Mr Justice KW Ryan CBE)
  • Dr JM Morris                                                    01.06.73–30.06.80

Former part-time members

  • Ms Penelope White                                      15.09.17–17.09.23
  • Ms Clare Endicott                                          17.09.20–17.09.23
  • Ms Constance Johnson                                 17.09.20–15.03.21
  • Ms R O'Gorman                                             15.09.17–14.09.20
  • Dr N Stobbs                                                    15.09.17–14.09.20
  • The Hon MA Wilson QC                                01.08.14–14.09.20
    (formerly Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland)
  • His Honour Judge B Devereaux SC            06.09.19–30.06.20
    (later Chief Judge of the District Court of Queensland)
  • Mrs S Traves                                                   01.08.14–31.07.17
  • Mr P Hastie QC                                              01.08.14–31.07.17
  • Mrs SM Ryan QC                                           21.12.10–20.12.13
    (later the Honourable Justice SM Ryan)
  • Prof BF Fitzgerald                                         21.12.10–01.05.13
  • Assoc Prof BP White*                                  21.12.07–20.12.10
  • Ms RM Treston QC                                       21.12.07–20.12.10 and 28.06.13–20.12.13
  • Mr JK Bond QC                                              17.03.05–20.12.13
    (later the Honourable Justice JK Bond)
  • Mr BJ Herd                                                    15.11.02–20.12.13
  • Dr HA Douglas                                             21.12.01–20.12.07
  • Mr GW O’Grady                                            21.12.01–20.12.07
  • Ms A Colvin                                                   21.12.01–31.12.05
  • Mr Peter Applegarth SC*                           21.12.01–20.12.04
    (later the Honourable Justice Peter Applegarth)
  • Mr WG Briscoe*                                           04.02.00–30.08.01
  • Prof WD Duncan                                          26.09.97–25.09.00
  • Dr PM McDermott RFD*                             12.07.96–11.07.99 01.08.14–31.07.17
  • Mrs DA Mullins SC                                       12.07.96–11.07.99 01.10.99–30.09.02
    (later the Honourable Justice DA Mullins)
  • Mr PD McMurdo QC                                    22.05.95–21.05.01  
    (later the Honourable Justice PD McMurdo)
  • Dr JA Devereux                                             29.08.94–28.08.97
  • Ms L Willmott*                                             15.03.93–15.03.94
  • Mr RS O’Regan QC                                       11.05.92–23.11.92
  • Mr WA Lee                                                     01.07.90–30.06.96
  • Mr PA Keane QC                                           01.05.90–12.02.92
    (later the Honourable Justice PA Keane of the High Court)
  • Ms RG Atkinson*                                          01.05.90–30.06.96  
    (later the Honourable Justice RG Atkinson)
  • Ms H O’Sullivan)                                           01.05.90–08.04.91 and 09.04.91–29.08.94
    (later Her Honour Judge H O’Sullivan
  • Mr FJ Gaffy QC*                                            01.06.89–30.09.89
  • Mr MO Klug                                                  01.01.88–31.12.89
  • Mr RE Cooper QC*                                      14.06.82–02.02.89 and 03.02.89–31.12.89
    (later the Honourable Justice RE Cooper)
  • Prof KW Ryan CBE QC*                               05.07.80–31.10.80 and 01.11.82–10.02.84  
    (later the Honourable Mr Justice KW Ryan CBE)
  • Mr GN Williams QC*)                                  09.08.76–06.04.82 and 17.01.83–16.03.89
    (later the Honourable Justice GN Williams
  • Sir John Nosworthy CBE                             01.01.76–31.12.87
  • Mr PR Smith                                                 01.03.69–08.07.76
  • Sir John Rowell CBE                                    01.03.69–31.12.89
  • Mr BH McPherson QC*                              01.03.69–31.12.81
    (later the Honourable Mr Justice BH McPherson CBE)

* An asterisk indicates that the member has been appointed to more than one Queensland Law Reform Commission position.