
Established in 1968, the Commission is Queensland’s independent law reform institution. The Commission’s purpose is a fair, modern and simple legal framework for Queensland. The Commission contributes to this purpose through practical, innovative and just law reform recommendations.

The Commission undertakes research and provides recommendations to reform the law on topics selected by the Attorney-General of Queensland. These recommendations are based on extensive research, public consultation, and the principles of impartiality, equity and social justice. Our recommendations are published in our final reports, which are presented to the Attorney-General for tabling in Parliament.

The Commission's recommendations for law reform do not automatically become law, however important reforms recommended by the Commission have been implemented including the:

  • Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021
  • Termination of Pregnancy Act 2018
  • Supreme Court of Queensland, Practice Direction No 6 of 2013, Case Management in Complex Criminal Trials.

Your input into our reviews  is critical and consultation with stakeholders is an integral part of our law reform process. People who are affected by the laws under review have the experience and knowledge we need in order to understand how the laws are operating in practice and how practical changes may be made. We seek to consult with people who have expertise and experience in the laws under review, as well as people likely to be affected by the laws in question.

The Commission is an independent statutory body constituted under the Law Reform Commission Act 1968.

Our Strategic plan

The Commission's Strategic plan outlines its purpose, output, values and objectives.

NOTE: we do not offer legal advice. We cannot intervene in individual cases and do not act as a government watchdog for the legal system or the legal profession.

For information about obtaining legal advice, please contact Legal Aid Queensland,  LawRight or the Queensland Law Society referral service.

For complaints about lawyers and law firms (including legal costs), please contact the Legal Services Commission.

Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their communities

We are committed to genuine, respectful, appropriate and culturally safe and informed engagement with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our work.

The Commission’s engagement commitment outlines our principles and approach. Our Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples Strategic plan summarises our commitments and achievements.

We are currently in the process of establishing an Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples Legal Expert Reference Committee to guide our work. The Committee will be established in accordance with the Terms of Reference.