Review publications

Background paper 1 - Review of particular criminal defences: Our terms of reference (PDF, 502.4 KB)

On 27 November 2023, we released the first of a series of Background Papers.

In addition to the Background Paper, the Commission also released a companion document (PDF, 672.8 KB) which contains:

  • a series of fact sheets on each of the defences under review,
  • a comparative table examining the scope of such defences in other jurisdictions, and
  • a guide to legislative changes to the defences since the adoption of the Criminal Code in 1901.

The documents can also be downloaded separately:

Background paper 2 - Review of particular criminal defences: Our guiding principles for reform

On 2 July 2024 we released Background paper 2. This paper identifies five principles to guide our consideration of the issues in the review and help us develop our recommendations for reform. We also released a one-page visual of the 5 guiding principles.

Community attitudes to defences and sentences in cases of homicide and assault in Queensland: Research Report 1 (PDF, 2.4 MB)

On 28 November 2024 we released Research Report 1.

When is it ok to defend yourself using violence? Is it ok to respond violently when provoked? We asked leading academics from the Australian National University to conduct an independent study to help us understand community attitudes. They surveyed 2500 Queenslanders and held focus groups with 58 members of the Queensland community.

We also released a Fact Sheet which outlines significant and key findings from the Research Report.

Community attitudes to defences and sentences in cases of homicide and assault in Queensland: Fact Sheet
(PDF, 1.4 MB)

Also available is the Criminal Defences Review: Community attitudes literature review (PDF, 1.4 MB).

We will release a Consultation Paper in February 2025.

Our Final Report is due to the Attorney-General on 1 December 2025. Once tabled in parliament it will be available for download here.