Review Publications

On this page you will find the Mining lease objections review publications.

Background paper 1 - Introducing our review

On 25 August 2023 we released the first of a series of Background Papers.

Mining Objections BP 1

Background paper 2 - Scanning the horizon: Queensland mining in the future

On 12 October 2023, we released this background paper which sets out key drivers shaping the future of mining in Queensland and considers the implications for our review.

Background paper 2 - Scanning the horizon: Queensland mining in the future- Click to download

Background paper 3 - Other jurisdictions

On 9 February 2024, we released this background paper, which compares Queensland's objections processes for mining leases and associated environmental authorities to decision-making processes for equivalent authorisations in other Australian and overseas jurisdictions.

Mining review BP 3 cover

Background paper 4 - Your thoughts on a reimagined process

On 15 November 2024, we released this background paper, which reflects the feedback provided to us during consultations, through written submissions and informal interactive polls.

Mining review - BP4 Cover

Consultation paper - Reimagining decision-making processes for Queensland mining

On 15 July 2024, we released this consultation paper which discusses and invites feedback on 6 reform proposals. It asks 26 questions, including on key aspects of how the reforms could be implemented.

Consultation paper - Valuing the perspectives of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples

On 15 July 2024, we released this consultation paper which discusses the same proposals and asks the same questions as ‘Reimagining decision-making processes for Queensland Mining’, with a particular focus on issues and implications for Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their communities. Please also refer to 'Consultation Papers supporting documents' below, which includes a fact sheet and 4 summary papers.

Consultation Paper - Conscious consistency: mining and other resource production tenures

On 15 November 2024, we released this final consultation paper which discusses and asks for feedback on whether any recommended changes to mining lease processes should apply for other resource production tenures, including their associated environmental authorities. Please also refer to 'Consultation Papers supporting documents' below, which includes a fact sheet.

On 15 July 2024, we also released a suite of supporting documents, including 2 fact sheets and 4 summary papers. The summary papers were developed with expert advice from cross-cultural linguist, Dr Diana Eades, to support engagement by Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our review. They give information about our review and invite feedback on our reform proposals.

On 15 November 2024, we published a further fact sheet about our final consultation paper.

Fact sheet 1 - Reimagining decision-making processes for Queensland mining

Fact sheet 2 - Valuing the perspectives of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Summary paper 1 - What our review is about

Summary paper 2 - Participation

Summary paper 3 - Decisions

Summary paper 4 - Giving feedback about a decision

Models of Participation 

Glossary - What do these words mean?

Fact sheet 3 - Conscious consistency

Our Final Report is due to the Attorney-General on 30 June 2025.