
Thank you to those who made submissions in response to our consultation papers Reimagining decision-making processes for Queensland Mining and Valuing the perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Your submissions are important and will help to inform the development of our recommendations.

We are currently accepting submissions on our final consultation paper Conscious consistency: mining and other resource production tenures. To make a submission, please visit the 'Make a submission' page or email us at Submissions close on 31 January 2025.

Submissions are published as they have been provided except where redactions have been applied.  We express no opinion about the content of any submission. Some submissions contain content or language that readers may find inappropriate or disrespectful.

The submissions below are published with the consent of the submitters. For more information on how the QLRC treats submissions, please read our submissions policy.

We welcome continued feedback and conversations about this review. Please reach out to us by email:

Submissions (July consultation papers)

1. Bar Association of Queensland

2. Queensland Small Miners Council (interim submission)

3. Queensland Small Miners Council (further submission)

4. Local Government Association of Queensland

5. Association of Mining and Exploration Companies

6. James Hill

7. Mount Isa City Council

8. AgForce

9. Property Rights Australia

10. Queensland Environmental Law Association

11. Australian Energy Producers

12. Energy Resources Law

13. John Haydon

14. District Court of Queensland

15. John Crosby

16. Australian Land Conservation Alliance

17. Darling Downs Environment Council

18. Mackay Conservation Group

19. Steve MacDonald

20. Koala Action Inc

21. Hopevale Congress Aboriginal Corporation

22. Gecko Environment Council

23. Bruce Currie

24. North Queensland Land Council

25. Environment Council of Central Queensland Inc

26. Oakey Coal Action Alliance

27. Queensland Human Rights Commission

28. Isaac Regional Council

29. Dale Forrester

30. Lock the Gate Alliance Ltd

31. Australian Marine Conservation Society

32. Queensland Conservation Council

33. Environmental Defenders Office

34. Parallax Legal

35. North Queensland Miners' Association

36. Queensland Resources Council

37. Glencore

38. Queensland Law Society

39. Queensland South Native Title Services